Безвозмездная финансовая помощь в Бухаре
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Я Мать одиночка троих детей. Живу в общежитии без условий. Муж умер. Сама болею хронической болезнью. Точнее, эпилепсией с судорожным симптомом. Очень нужна финансовая помощь в лечении болезни. На проживание. Не готовы к учебному году, так как нет ни школьных принадлежностей ни формы. Очень хочется иметь свою квартиру. Но нет возможности приобрести, даже в ипотеку. Не смогу оплатить. Помогите пожалуйста если есть возможность. 8600 0607 5067 6851 узкард
прошу прощения, но срочно нужны деньги на операцию по пересадки органа сердца для подростка просто больше не кому обратиться номер карты: 9860020116838093 Наргиз
Hello. My name is Ilkham Madetov, I am from Uzbekistan. I am 41 years old, married and have two children, a daughter and a son. My son is 9 years old, he has a funnel-shaped deformity of the thorax of the 2nd degree and requires surgical intervention. My wife and I work and our combined income is about 530 dollars a month, The surgery costs $23,000, exactly with all the costs of necessary medications, post-operative exams and other expenses, including travel and lodging in another city where such surgeries are performed. We can not save this amount. Because after paying all the family expenses and utilities, we have almost nothing left. We live in a rented apartment. I really want my children to live in decent conditions, receive quality education and medical care. We do not have enough money for all this, we just live day by day, with no chance for any good future for our children. if I had everything well with my health, I would even dare to sell an organ to give my children hope for the need someone’s help. I am in a desperate situation and I am very ashamed to ask for help from people, but this is about my child and I am ready to do anything to cure him. At the moment I am trying to find another job, but with this in our city big problems. I really hope for your help. This link is my fundraising campaign, maybe if you share this link among your friends and family, I can raise enough funds in a short time: Thank you for your attention! Madetov Ilkham Bank Account: 2020 6840 3903 5193 7001 Bank name: JSCB «KAPITALBANK» 01158 SWIFT: KACHUZ22 Correspondents: JSC «NB VED RUz»: 21002840800000974002 SWIFT: NBFAUZ2X