Main Household goods

Household goods

Svetlana Nikitina
Svetlana Nikitina
Updated 08.02.2024
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We need to 90 000 ₹

I am raising a 12-year-old child alone, I pay a mortgage, a consumer loan. I work as an accountant, but I’m constantly short of money. I borrow, then I give it back, I take it again, a vicious circle. I want to start my own business in order to become financially independent and pay off my debts. But there is no money to open it. Our city is small, there is no such type of sales yet, I would like to develop the trade in household chemicals specifically for bottling, people will be able to save on purchases and pollute the environment less with unnecessary plastic jars. I figured that it would take about 500,000 rupees to open a store with rent, goods and equipment. I really want to develop, but I can’t do it on my own. I hope for any help!

We need to 70 000 ₹

I’m from a small town and I really want to open my own tattoo parlor to fulfill other people’s dreams

We need to 7 000 ₹

Hello, I really need help! I have a very difficult financial situation, I have accumulated a lot of debts on microloans, please help me, They are stealing

We need to 6 000 ₹

Help me pay off my loan debts! I got into a very difficult life situation. Due to the disease, I could not pay the loans on time and now there are delays, but I cannot pay them. My banking details are 5469 1800 2034 1783

We need to 80 000 ₹

I dream to buy for my family ski overalls. Our almost the entire family budget is eaten by the mortgage. I’ve been saving money all year to fulfil my son’s dream to go to the ski slopes. And now I’ve barely saved up. But there’s no money left for clothes. Please help me. My card is linked to my phone 89502748514 Thank you.

We need to 8 000 ₹

Good afternoon. I realise I am not the only person in the world who needs help. But without help I can not cope. I have 4 children. I’m separated from my husband. And he’s not really in a hurry to help. I’m having financial problems. I looked on the internet for a loan. In the end divorced as a fool and now the money did not receive and debts have grown even more, collectors call threaten, banks call. I’m scared to answer the phone. I have nothing to sell. And what to do I do not know. So I’m asking for help.

We need to 15 000 ₹

hello, I ask for help, as got in a difficult financial situation. In the middle of April to give birth, and there is no money to buy everything for the appearance of the baby, my husband abandoned and does not want to help, people please who can help. 89290155024 number for transfer. Thank you very much in advance

We need to 4 000 ₹

I want to open a sole proprietorship. To open an IE must pay insurance premiums

We need to 60 000 ₹

Hello dear kind rich people! I need urgent help with money to pay off my loan and overdue loans! Please help kind people! All debts want to transfer to the court, preparing to leave at the place of residence, they want to take away property. Urgently need your help with money kind people, I am a pensioner, pension is small, myself in no way coping with debts. I hope that there are kind-hearted people who can help in a difficult situation. My card Sberbank 2202 2002 4849 5531, write applications for the third month, so far no one has helped, but still hope for your help. From the bottom of my heart I wish everyone health and good luck! I wish good luck to myself too.

We need to 7 000 ₹

Soon New Year I want to please my mum with a gift of gold earrings, but I do not have enough a little 5 thousand is not enough help me to realise my dream.

We need to 3 000 ₹

Good evening Vladimir Volfovich, I am writing to you in desperation and in search of help. I need an operation on plasty of the cruciate ligament of the right knee joint. Relatives unfortunately can not help, credits too can not take (for the relevant reasons) I am a man with hands (engaged in finishing of flats and other premises). After the operation will not be able to work on their profile from 3 to 6 months. I consider not charity (proud) I want to return everything then, as I can start to work! I can still offer to work off. In general very much hope for your help, for any help. Thank you. Here are my contacts 89611383070

We need to 6 000 ₹

Hi, please help to buy a plot of land price of 1200000r, we have loans for 15 thousand, we can not take a mortgage, they do not give, and the plot is in the centre of the city, the plot is a godsend for us, I beg you to help please ??????. Can you transfer money by phone number?? ❤️

We need to 6 000 ₹

Buy a car for my work need a motor vehicle

We need to 50 000 ₹

Hello. My name is Olesya, I am a mum of three children. Now I am on maternity leave, in a critical financial situation.I have a loan debt, the money was taken to improve housing conditions, as for the maternity capital bought a hut without amenities and gas.I have for a position in two banks the total amount of debt 285000rub, monthly pay 16000, for the loan 3850 and two cards on 6000.In refinancing banks refuse, as I am on maternity leave.Syl already not so live, please help from kind people will be very grateful my card sber.4817 7601 3796 2654. Thank you.

We need to 2 000 ₹

To pay the bailiffs 18000 rupees. So that the calculations are over. Vtb tel. 89049993454 is linked. Please.

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