Gratuitous Financial Assistance to Delhi
“Hello! I am a single mother, I live in a rented apartment with a disabled child. The child has cerebral palsy.WE WERE SCHEDULED FOR AN UNSCHEDULED SURGERY ON OUR LEGS.
MAP 2200 02 1901 3796
I am very grateful in advance to everyone who will help us.
Please help us…
I beg you very much…”
Please help the disabled person with money and an apartment
Hello, the Holy Land Foundation.
Collects funds for the formation of pilgrimage groups of 40-50 people. To an Orthodox camp in Crimea.
The Holy Land Foundation is Russia’s first Orthodox foundation for the spiritual and moral development of a person, which provides an opportunity for people to travel free of charge to Holy Places and significant Orthodox shrines as part of pilgrimage groups.
It is important for us to educate young people in the spirit of Orthodoxy, to form a deep moral foundation for the development of a personality that is proud of its roots, observes the cultural traditions of its people and lives according to the canons of the Orthodox faith.
I really need 15ts right now, I have a loan, I haven’t received my salary yet, so I’m writing there, please help
The pensioner is 63 years old,2 heart attacks in six months require heart surgery within 100,000 thousand rupees. there is no such money, kiwi +79086679521 help me I want to live more
Hello, please help me with free money. I will pay the utility bill and buy groceries. Please help, I will be grateful.
Creating a legoGO school for children’s development
Sberbank: 4276 3100 2248 4143
Unfortunately, I have no children. At the age of seven, I was exposed to radioactive radiation in a nuclear submarine accident in Chazhma Bay, Primorsky Krai. But I have a half-brother (my parents really wanted a boy and adopted him) who is disabled from childhood. My parents died a long time ago and we were left all alone. We don’t have a place of our own. With work now is also tight, especially in the Crimea, I have a salary of only 15000 rubles, and my brother has a disability pension of 9000 rupees. I would very much like to have my own corner – at least a room in a communal flat, but we do not have such a financial possibility and banks do not give credits either. Now my brother and I are living in a friend’s dacha with no facilities and no heating. Please give at least 50,000 rupees. for firewood and water and winter without illness (my brother has just been discharged from hospital). Give 50,000 rubles: 16000 for firewood (1 cubic metre costs 4000), 6000 rupees for water (1 cubic metre costs 2000 rubles), empty gas cylinder 2500 rubles, light debt 6800 rubles, the rest for medicine for my disabled brother.
Hello! If you have a good heart, we ask for help! Our family got out from under the b
I need help to live for a month until the salary and partial payment of school fees. Sick covida from to , I go to work. Payment at work by the hour, sick leave will not be.
Need 1200000. Hello, my name is Elena, I am 56 years old, I am homeless, no I am not a drunken dirty aunt, I lost my documents, and since I am not a citizen of the Russian Federation, I can not get documents and I can not go outside the Russian Federation, I can not ask for help in the consulate of my country also can not because it is not there, I am from the DNR. I have a family here, my husband and son, they are citizens of the Russian Federation, but also homeless, they do not have permanent registration, we rent housing, and every time to give money for registration forces are not available and means. All would be nothing if in August of this year I would not have been rushed by ambulance to genicology with bleeding, there I was told emergency care, emergency care is provided even to persons without documents, in three days I was discharged with the diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix, It is necessary to make an operation, but without documents nobody takes me, even in paid clinics, found one clinic, but there it is necessary money not small, and we do not have it, to collect it is necessary time, and it is also not, my men work from morning till night, but as there is no residence registration work not officially. Believe me, I am very ashamed to turn with outstretched hand .We are not swindlers, just really got into a desperate situation .Maybe there will be a person who can help us, or at least give us a loan at a low interest rate for 7-8 years, we will draw up a notarised receipt .Help for God’s sake, I really want to live!
My name is Rishat, please help me to collect for the treatment of my girlfriend she is already like 9 months, in a coma for treatment need 4353000r, I have already collected 2000000rupees left 2353000rupees I am already in loans, I have nowhere else to turn please help me to collect for the treatment of my girlfriend I beg you please, the operation will be in St. Petersburg, in August 3, before the operation I need to collect a certain amount of money, please help me to save my girlfriend, I don’t want to lose her she is the only thing I have in this life, please who can help please help me! ! 2202 2018 6770 2611 is the number of Sberbank card.
My mum lives alone for 6 years in a cold unheated house, without water and means of subsistence, she can’t work for health reasons, I can’t help anymore, I have two children and my salary is not enough, I ask for your help.
Hello, please help me to buy winter clothes for my children (6 years old and 2 years old).
Please help me to go home, I was robbed in Moscow, I was looking for a job at that moment I was robbed, I was left without money. I still need to pay off the loan I took for household needs. Please help me out of this difficult situation. VTB card 5368290247045166