Gratuitous Financial Assistance to Ahmedabad
I need help to fulfill my dream of studying and getting a car license, I need 35,000 rupees to save up myself, there is no strength for a family of 5 people and I constantly need to buy something. I will be glad to receive any amount from you in advance, thank you very much
Hello, I am a single father, it so happened that I was very ill, I was fired from my job and my child and I were left without means of livelihood.5536 9138 9917 5034 .As many as you can, sorry to bother you.
Hello, I know that there are good and kind people. I dream of closing the loan and solving my difficulties. I live with my mother, who constantly scolds me for this. I was looking for ways to make money, but with no result. Also, because of my searches and mistakes, I work on paying off debts. All funds received go to other people. I want to finally close all this and just leave. Find a good job in another city. All that remains is to live on 2 thousand a month. In my place, people would either get drunk or hang themselves. I’m tired, I want to close the loan that has already passed into the collection calls.
Please help me get out of the debt hole… At one time, I helped the girl with cancer treatment, and her relatives promised that they would not leave her in a difficult situation later. As a result, she cured cancer and let’s go. There is no receipt, go to the bathhouse and now you will not get those funds back. I live alone, I work and all my salary goes to pay off debts, because at times I had to use credit cards for payments. Help someone as much as you want, and once I get out of this trouble, I will be able to help someone. Sberbank 4276 4000 2834 4415 thank you all in advance.
Hello, in a difficult life situation, banks do not milk money, begging at train stations and trains is a shame, God grant you all health and long life Perfect Money U18484261
Good day to all, not much awkward turns out, I hope for general, I have not seen my grandparents for almost five years, while it is still possible to buy tickets not so expensive, as I am a student and I would like to please them, to fly surprise) not enough is not so much, but also so little.I will be eternally grateful to you for помощь♥️.
why won’t my parents help? and here everything is just not convenient, plus we’ll start a fight again, as I have tense relations with them, and no, I’m not pushing pity, but just answered the question you will probably have)))))
if you send me your phone number, I will contact you and if possible I can return it to you.thank you for reading to the end.
5336 6901 1054 4907
Give money for nothing Life in general is a difficult thing Work pays pennies, to quit, then in general I will go crazy I dream to buy at least something to my relatives not to seem an outcast in their eyes Strongly hooked on betting and therefore owe everyone and everything Kare myself for it I want to get out of this money pit and therefore I ask you for any help 2200700820216736.
We are expecting a third child) but we live in a rented flat … Very expensive costs and can not in any way save up for their own home? Can anyone help than can close the loan, need 400000. I really want to take a mortgage, and because of the current loans we refuse( 5469760012139673…. Please help who how much can….
Hello people, I have a problem, I myself am sick, my mother has been taking care of me, and now she is doing what she can, I feel very sorry for my mother, please help, I need a little help, my mother was diagnosed with breast tumour, we just don’t have enough money, I am not able to work at the moment, my mother is all I have, please help me, I need 100000r for the first time, then maybe everything will turn around, please people help!!!?
After a severe fracture in 2018, my husband had a plate, screws and pins put in his leg. Now, after so much time the body has started to reject them, fistulas have started to form. It was urgent to remove them. We found a doctor who is ready to take a man in this condition for surgery. For us the amount is not affordable, please help! We both work, we have children. 2202202458699497
Hello, we are a large family being kicked out of our house, next to where we rent a house there is our plot, we were given 4 months to settle, if I had the money I would like to build my own house, please help.
4100111515309104 yandex money
Help please money, we have a mortgage older daughter can not go to circles money is not enough and the youngest in the garden, I am not an alkie and not a drunkard I am a simple father who loves his children, I work but money is not enough take part-time jobs on the back hernia begins to hurt, please help not me and the children, thank you for your attention.
My husband and I are elderly, until recently we lived peacefully, but a disaster happened and this disaster is with us, we took a loan, like many people hoped for stability, but in October, helping to extinguish a fire neighbours I broke my spine 6 months bedridden pension 12700 in old age my husband’s salary 24500 and loan obligations 25000, Housing and utilities half of the pension, not enough for food, prices are rising every month, both began to dipresia, I love my husband very much, but I can not help him, the credit on it remains 980000ths. Help Christ for Christ’s sake, any amount will be glad.
Hello, I need help from people who care about me, I am going to have an operation, and I don’t have enough money for it, I ask you who can help in any way please help me, I have no one else to turn to ??2202203241555491 thanks to those who responded.
Good day, I ask tearfully and sincerely people who can help. I really dream to close debts forever and never get into them again. It all started in 2019-2020, I have a low-income family, from early childhood I was bullied by my classmates at school that I did not have an iPhone or expensive things, I went to school in men’s things, I came home crying after school and wanted to be like them, to dress in women’s things, to have a phone, etc… money was spent by my parents on school, and on food. So there was nothing in the family budget for me. So I started to work from 13-14 years old, I distributed leaflets, at 13 years old I helped people who distributed them for free, and at 14 years old I started to have at least 500 rupees a day on holidays. And I used to give half of my salary to people sitting near the church, and gave it all to my parents, so I did not spend it on myself. Then, when I was 16, I was already distributing newspapers and letters. It was also a small income. When I was 18 years old I got a job in the shop “Pyaterochka” as a cashier with a salary of a thousand a month. It was still not enough, because I still have to pay to help my parents for the flat to this day, and then I decided to apply for a loan, I was approved, brought a card with a limit of 7 thousand rupees and then the limit gradually increased. I was repaying little by little, it worked out. But then I had a click in my head and decided to get into more loans, to buy an iPhone, to go to the sea, and got into loans endlessly, I regret it very much. Because I got into a debt hole, and when I very much wanted to be the same people who will allow themselves to go to the sea, buy things and so on, but I did not understand what I do and at what risks I go. After I started defaulting on every loan almost and it’s getting to the point of defaulting on loans, I started to get very hysterical, depressed, and not wanting to just exist at all. I can not describe in one letter all my feelings, because tears are coming from the amount that will grow every day, I pray to God very much that kind people will help me. I regret this act very much, the temptation of money was on, and buying all the things I wanted since childhood to get. I was not thinking with my head, what was happening to me????? Card: 2202206185810012, everyone is grateful???