Main Gratuitous Financial Assistance to Bangalore

Gratuitous Financial Assistance to Bangalore

Svetlana Nikitina
Svetlana Nikitina
Updated 08.02.2024
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We need to 10 000 ₹

Hello.I’m asking for help.I am a disabled person of the 2nd group.I rent a dorm room.The debt is 7,600 tr. Please help me pay.My card is 5599 0020 2352 5183 . My Yandex money wallet (yu money) 4100 1180 4422 8750 Thank you so much for your help.It so happened that my mother died in September and I had to take out loans and a loan to live and my grandmother is sick, she needs care, I really need help, I really hope that at least someone will help me because I have no relatives anymore, I am practically an orphan, I do not work, I have a son, we live on my grandmother’s pension, but of course this money is not enough, the total amount of credit and loans and my grandmother needs medicines and groceries, we all get a thousand together. my card number is 424290103620 and 2200300106190109, please help someone ????I believe that there are still kind people with kind hearts. Thank you in advance and God bless you

We need to 10 000 ₹

Hello, my name is Yuri. I used to work on shift. But the organization has closed. There is a debt hanging on Please help

We need to 70 000 ₹

Hello. I have three children, my salary was barely enough for food, utilities and a minimum set of clothes.

My brother was in the hospital for a long time, I had to help. There are debts on loans, communal services. We need to feed the family. A desperate situation has developed.

I ask all those who are not indifferent to help.

We need to 6 000 ₹

Electricity was turned off, money is needed to buy coal. The bailiffs arrested everything they could and the card too. Please, as many as you can, transfer to the phone number 8 923 335 2724

We need to 70 000 ₹

I dream of buying 7 cows and a bull to raise my farm, and this pleasure is not cheap. On average, one cow costs 70,000-80,000 thousand, I am still out of work and I cannot collect such money myself…if someone can help in any way, not necessarily financially, I will be sincerely grateful for any help

We need to 2 000 ₹

Our girl is 11 years old. In three years she has undergone several operations, chemotherapy sessions. Then rehabilitation, again examinations with a trip to Kiev.

In all these years I am morally and financially exhausted. All possibilities have been completely exhausted.

Our family is poor, we have no husband. We need financial assistance for travelling, accommodation and examinations.

We need to 10 000 ₹

Hello, my name is Anastasia Amelchuk. I was born on May 22, 1978 in Artemovsk, Donetsk region of Ukraine. I, my husband Nikolai, and son Alexander lived in Bakhmut, before the events that are now taking place between Russia and Ukraine. We had our own apartment, our own dacha, a car. Everything was, everything in our life, as well as as in the lives of other citizens of Ukraine, the fateful February of 2023 came – the time when pain and fear In June 2022, a shell fell on our house. The husband was at the dacha at that The explosion was so strong that there was practically nothing left. Everything burned down. Now my son Alexander and I live in the Krasnodar Territory. More precisely, I would say – we survive. I ask you to provide any financial assistance to or to the wallet 20157030926 opened in

We need to 90 000 ₹

Please help, we need to move my brother and his family from Ukraine, we need a certain amount of money, urgently, I can earn it myself, there is no time, very difficult situation

We need to 90 000 ₹

Hello, my name is Ilya, I am 15 years old, I live in St Petersburg, and you will ask: What is my life situation, and by the way there are a lot of them! And so let’s begin ) I am the oldest child in the family, my brother and sister are younger than me. 1 situation: I am a person who likes to work, try to earn money or find a job, I am looking for a part-time job on the Internet very hard, for 3 months I can not find a job, and once my classmates braggarts, sent a photo of them and their money, 35000₽, well I asked : “Where did you earn so much? “2 situation: my parents have a mortgage, and the family budget is so poor, although I have long dreamed of a new phone, but my parents can not buy it, so I even looked for a job today, but found you, I hope you understand me. 3 situation: Once it was my mother’s birthday, and my brother and I asked for money for her gift, but my dad said: “That’s the last time I give you gifts,” and at that moment, my dad gave money to the four youngest, it’s just that he loves her more, and here’s to the point, I want to give gifts to my mother, so that she would be happy that she has such children, she has a hobby – manicure, and nowadays everything is more expensive, and one gel polish costs 500₽. Situation 4: Once my friends and I wanted to have a picnic, and that’s what would buy everything we discounted, and I had no money at that time, they discounted, and forgot that I did not discount, I was ashamed and left, I was not happy at that moment, and I would like to spend time with them and that I discounted for the picnic. 5 situation: I also really wanted to find money or earn money, so I thought that I would put my unnecessary things on avito, and there even for a single ad you need 30₽, and there was no money. I want you to understand me. But I don’t think you’d give a 15-year-old a large sum of money. I’m hoping you can make my life easier. I’d be very grateful. And what else? I don’t have a Sberbank card, I have a Qiwi wallet. Why don’t you have a card? And I will tell you : I have a very old phone and I do not want to make a card on a number where it is not possible to download Sberbank. I’m waiting for your answer ))) I’m VKontakte:

We need to 4 000 ₹

Please help. Not so long ago my grandfather was burying, I got into a microloan, for 2 weeks interest accrued. I closed the previous one, and the base will be updated in a month, I did not count on it.

We need to 2 000 ₹

Aunt has lung cancer, need an operation in Germany, collected 70% of the amount, help to collect the rest of the amount

We need to 9 000 ₹

Diagnosis of cerebral palsy, symptomatic epilepsy, spastic paraparesis, diplegia of the lower limbs, severe delay in psychomotor development. I appeal to all concerned people, we really need your help. We need help to buy an active type of pram. The wheelchair that was provided to us by the social insurance fund, it does not fit Kirill’s parameters and functionality. It is very difficult for him to move around on it, it is heavy. It is very difficult for him to go out and move around independently. 4279620024327760- Sberbank

We need to 4 000 ₹

Good day to all, who is not a day, who is not sorry, the post is for them .I am in a difficult situation, there is nothing to eat, I think it all sometimes clings, before the salary is purely a week, I do not ask for millions, hundreds, thousands, I ask only for sausages with pasta for the child and for dog food, by the way they are my husky :)I think the message will cheer up.

We need to 2 000 ₹

If I don’t renovate by spring, they’ll evict me. I am a former pupil of an orphanage, I have documents. on the way out I got a prescribed old house in a village far from the city. the roof is collapsing and the house is going to be recognised as dilapidated, and I will be evicted. I don’t work myself, I earn in the village what I can and how I can, so I can’t take a loan. kind people, help at least 50 rupees each for materials please. (карта)4817760245355825 (киви)9805424458

We need to 15 000 ₹

I live alone with two children, two months ago my daughter was diagnosed with Ratke’s cyst in the head, a lot of money is spent on paid analyses, medicines and trips to hospitals. In addition, the housing debt began to go, and then there is a holiday New Year! My daughter has been asking for a small breed dog for a long time, but I can not afford financially, I want to please her with a dog to distract her from the disease, but such dogs cost a lot.Please help financially, do not refuse the child to be her Father Christmas!

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