Main Family and relatives

Family and relatives

Svetlana Nikitina
Svetlana Nikitina
Updated 08.02.2024
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We need to 3 000 ₹

I am 36 years old, have two children, the youngest is 1.5 years old, on maternity leave, I raise my sons alone. I have a loan for a considerable amount, I have been paying regularly for 2 years, it is already hard now, I live on child benefit, payments have stopped from work. We really need additional, legal income!!! I’m an accountant. I really need to work remotely, due to the fact that the youngest son has a heart defect that has not yet been eliminated… I can’t go out for a full day yet. If there are people here with their own business, I will be glad and grateful for job offers. Anna.

We need to 9 000 ₹

Hello, my name is Olga, I don’t have money for the operation, we don’t have any money at all and we can’t buy medicine.please help me in advance.

We need to 4 000 ₹

Hi everybody. I’m currently studying to be a developer. But for practice, my laptop does not support any program for my training. But there is no opportunity to purchase on my own, I live from po to po, rent an apartment and pay for my studies. Please help me, I don’t need more than 5,150 rupees

We need to 80 000 ₹

My son will be born very soon, on December 27-28, he stayed at home a lot because of the coronavirus, nothing was bought.Help me meet Dostoino’s son!Sberbank card 4817760342185257.

We need to 80 000 ₹

We are a large family with five children, the administration is not very helpful, the number is linked to the card

We need to 25 000 ₹

Collectors are not letting us live but the loan was necessary.I want to stop the agony and help,my mum. 15 years old, working 5469980421413101

We need to 9 000 ₹

I dream to move to live in the city, to rent a flat, to go to further study. 4890494713772325 Kiwi wallet.Please help, not a fraudster, I live in the village, all can check.

We need to 10 000 ₹

Hello dear brothers and sisters please forgive me for having to turn here for help I paid for my loans until 16 February and it happened on the 8th I fell near the bank I had bruises on my spine I was on sick leave and now I leaked two loans one 9000 thousand and the other 8000 thousand and on the 23rd I need to close one of the loans 13200 total amount of 30000 thousand please help whoever can very hard to get out until the 23rd I am on sick leave thank you in advance and sorry for having to ask for help.

We need to 5 000 ₹

I am in a difficult financial situation, I ask for help!!!

We need to 3 000 ₹

Good afternoon, I am an aspiring musician and rap artist. In order to realise my dream I need to buy music equipment. But with a low-paying job it is not possible, because most of the amount goes to a living wage. I will be glad even 1 ruble. As they say: From the world on a thread. Thank you all very much!!! Card Sber Visa: 4279380690726569 Card Tinkoff: 5536910018932014

We need to 10 000 ₹

Good day everyone, please help me to clear my debts. After the death of his brother on our family laid all the debts of our native man. The flat in the mortgage. Dad had a microstroke. Mum is on crutches after surgery. We do not have enough 150000 thousand to stop it. I work without weekends, but all this is dragging on for years. Please, who can do what you can, we really need financial help. Card number 4276110027643010

We need to 10 000 ₹

I need money to buy a car to take my disabled child (autism) to school.

We need to 7 000 ₹

Account number : 6764 5471 4290 2744

We need to 10 000 ₹

It is useless to save for a car.HGV FURGON, work is everywhere.

We need to 90 000 ₹

Met on the way cruel and overbearing man, who threatened to force me to draw up for him a loan of 400tr, between life and death signed, and ran away, cut off all ties, and the debt on me, and the means did not become, and the job did not become and housing did not become, all ate the debt, please help who can, filed a lawsuit against him for extortion, came the refusal, I have no one to help me

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