Paying off loans and mortgages
Hello, I decided to come here out of desperation! I do not know what to do or how to live on. I got entangled in credit debts and a difficult life situation. Something happened to me that is very difficult for many people to go through. I will describe my situation. Until recently, I lived with a man in a civil marriage. We had known each other for about two years, communicated well, were friends, worked together. We always helped each other and supported each other. Then they began to live together as a family, they planned to sign. I will make a small digression and tell you about my life before I met him. I lived like many other people, I had parents who gave me a good upbringing and education. In my youth, I was involved in sports. After graduating from high school, I entered a technical school, then graduated from it and entered the institute. This is where my first love happened. My future husband was older, I was a young girl who fell in love, as it seemed to me once and for all. My parents didn’t approve of my choice, but I didn’t care. I got pregnant. I will make a reservation, there were a lot of problems in my relationship with my parents, my mother did not understand… It was hard, I grabbed my future husband and thought this was the road to happiness. I left my hometown and got married. But before that, my parents set a condition for me, either I have an abortion and continue to study further, or I get married, but my parents leave my life once and for all. I chose the latter. I didn’t know it was serious…. I haven’t talked to them for more than 20 years. Later, I learned from my grandmother that I was their adopted child. My marriage collapsed a few years later. And since we were running a joint business, there were debts from this marriage on loans that we took out for the development of our company. I lost everything, the children stayed in that family, I signed off on part of the business, real estate. The loans turned into debts from the FSSP. I still can’t pay them off. I lived in a fog for many years, and it wasn’t easy either.. but she lived.. I tried. Then I got this job and met Him. We lived happily for half a year. I began to believe in life and happiness. But, everything collapsed in an instant, in one hour, my life stopped and for this minute I can’t come to my senses. I don’t know how to live on and what to do. I quit and stayed at home, because my beloved wanted me to take a little rest from hard work and take care of the house. It was not easy to live, my debts, payment for rental housing, but he tried to work. He was arrested. They were locked up in a pre-trial detention center. As they say, do not renounce the purse and prison. This disaster has affected us too. Now I am left all alone, without help and support, with debts and loans, plus in order to get him out, I need the help of a lawyer, and I have no way to pay for it. I got a job, but it’s a penny. To somehow make ends meet and pay for a dorm room. He has only a disabled mother and an underage sister among his relatives.. There is absolutely no one to turn to. I am desperate how to live on, how to help a person. Please, if there are people who are not indifferent. Help!! I am ready to borrow money and pay it back. But help is needed here and now. Please, I believe in bright people. I’m not disappointed in people. I live in the hope that one day I will find my happiness. It’s funny to think, but the price of my happiness is measured in monetary terms. Sadly… Help me find peace.
There is not enough 8000 thousand rupees to pay for the rent of a room. There are not enough guys to rent an apartment, who can do as much as they can, please do not blame me for the first time. 4276600050444302 Sberbank. Thanks in advance
Help pay off a debt to a private person. I helped people, borrowed 850000 rupees. Now I have to do it myself, those whom I helped disappeared, the phone is not available, I do not know what to do. Please help me, I will be glad of any amount, the money needs to be returned within a month. I am grateful to all the people who are not indifferent. My sber card number. 2202201262124361
I took out a loan for treatment and did not manage to close it on time, as a black streak began. They fired me from my job, and the people I called friends turned away. There is no money even to pay for the apartment. Please, anyone who can help, I will be very grateful.4441 1144 2619 3502
I have to seek financial help for the sake of my daughter, who needs to be examined and treated from other cities, her spine is damaged in trauma for 19 years, traumatic brain injury was dropped in the hospital, she has been treated since 1 year of birth.She could not walk, talk, eat, went to the first step for a very long time, ate with difficulty, threw everything away, by the age of 4 she began to try to eat.Now she began to feel worse after she got over covid,constant shortness of breath ,weakness, she has a congenital heart defect and constantly does not have enough money for normal food, there is no way to go through rehabilitation, medicines are needed,money to pay for an apartment ,clothes.I have to take on debts that accumulate, and my pension is 9055 rubles, my daughter needs orthopedic shoes, a reclinator due to scoliosis.It is necessary to have MRI examinations,ultrasound scans, scans, tests for which money is needed.I myself am disabled for 2 years after the accident, I am constantly on painkillers, I suffer severe pain without medication, I cannot sleep at night, I meet the sunrises sitting down.We need 500,000 rubles for all our needs, we have accumulated 300,000 rubles in debt.If possible, help me.
Hello, I am a young mum, I live in a rented flat with a 6-month-old baby, I don’t work. Child allowances are enough to provide for the child and pay for the flat, but by my stupidity a year ago I opened a credit card and now it is not possible to make the necessary funds on it. My credit history is deteriorating and there is nothing I can do about it. I would be very grateful for any help. Sberbank 5469 6700 3299 2094. Thank you.
I suddenly fell ill and could not go to work. 11 days sick, and could not collect on the rent of the flat.
Now it is very expensive to solve this issue in rural areas, and in this regard, it is difficult to find a job, because a lot of teeth are lost, and in this regard, the view is not ethical.
I ask for help in closing debts and loans. We can not cope on our own. There are a lot of them and their amount is growing every day, we have to borrow and borrow to pay others, but also these give not with what. We have two small children, 2 years and 4 months, I can not go to work, my husband lives at work, but at the same time for two we have about 50000, I receive an allowance. About 40 we have debts and loans, 10 we pay for rent. At the moment we have a lot of unclosed loans and nothing to pay for the flat, and about the new year in general I am silent, no holiday we will not have. Soon our daughter has a holiday in the garden, and we can not buy her costume, the little one needs formula feeding, it is very expensive for us, again, we have to borrow. We will be glad to have any help.
Good afternoon, very much ask for help, found myself now in a difficult situation, need to pay the rent of the flat 30 000 and overdue loan amount 37 000. I lost my job. I will be very grateful to you! I can confirm all of the above, requisites also send. Thank you!!!
Sorry, I don’t know how to ask. We live with our son on rented accommodation, we really want to buy something of our own. Please help. Kindly and thank you all. 2202 2014 0125 6249
Hello please help me to get out of the credit hole the amount is very large 300000 rupees I will not be able to close it myself and I will be left with nothing and my daughter will be taken away to an orphanage who can help me as much as possible until the end of the week the deadline was given to close completely here is the card number 4276 0600 4623 0580 I am grateful in advance to all who will help in this situation
Hello, my name is Olga, we are in a difficult situation. My husband became disabled but will be able to work but also after recovery in a year or more the situation is as follows: my husband worked and we had a loan on the house the house was taken away as there was nothing to pay I work as a shop assistant money is not enough even for nappies We rent a 1 room house and food, my husband also try to help as he can. We have a small child, that’s why we ask for help, you people need money 2.5 million rupees to buy a good house. Thank you I will leave the number of Vatsap, maybe someone can borrow the amount and we will quietly bite 89841731302.
I now have nothing to study on, on the phone is very difficult and not convenient, and the family has little money, help me to solve such a problem, as I do not want to be expelled from college, sorry for this amount, as in our region the cheapest for 37.000 rupees, and I want to say thank you to those who helped in such a minute.?
I have been living without front teeth for 6 years, I am 37 but I started to have problems with my health. Because of the lack of teeth, my stomach hurts, my pancreas. I live in a rented flat with two children. So I can not even a little put aside for teeth, the money is catastrophically lacking. Help please. My kiwi purse +79528352981