Main Unsubsidized Financial Assistance in Houston

Unsubsidized Financial Assistance in Houston

Svetlana Nikitina
Svetlana Nikitina
Updated 08.02.2024
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We need to 20 000 $

Of course I doubt that anyone will help, but we will try with my wife to appeal to rich people! We can not buy our own housing, we really hope that kind people will help us and respond to our request. We are normal ordinary people, we work, but with our salaries is very difficult something to save and save for housing. We ask you to help.

We need to 4 000 $

Hello, my name is Anastasia. I recently moved from my parents to an independent life, and in order to somehow live normally, because it is difficult to find a job nowadays in the regions, I got loans with a young man, we took them when I was still working, but after I was fired, finances were significantly reduced and it became more difficult to pay. The subsistence minimum, which is for one person, stretched for two more and the cat must be fed. At the moment everything became very bad, I ask for help! I’m looking for work 24/7 and every time I look at the same ads where men are required, I do not take anywhere. This has been going on for about 2 months now. If you have the opportunity to help, here is the card number I will be grateful for your help!!!! 2200 7702 5903 4280

We need to 90 000 $

Hello.I am a mother, I bring up two sons, 8 and 14 years.A year ago boys broke a laptop, I bring them up alone, I do not receive alimony, agreed with my ex-husband that he does not pay refuses to give up a share of the apartment on account of the children. I do not receive any benefits, to help no one else. I worked in my native village, even though I received a little less than the minimum wage, but we survived. Introduced these codes, vaccination, I was suspended from work, still in search, I can not get on the exchange, all through the state services, constantly something wrong, the third month just survive, debts for housing and utilities, owe everyone. But this is not the point, I will find a job, with higher education, ready for any, in our village in OVashington region it is difficult. Now urgently needed a COMPUTER in school constant competitions, special projects, educational programs and children are obliged to pass them, if possible boys run to friends, but it is not always convenient, and people are annoying, who and refuses. Boys I have smart, learn on 4 and 5, but grades because of the fact that there is no computer sometimes limp. We very much hope for the help of kind people who have children-scholars, will understand and know how necessary a computer in the study. I am grateful in advance for responsiveness. Write otanskaya@ card 2202 2007 7888 6703

We need to 20 000 $

I want to buy my dream car new from a car dealership. A hand-me-down car is inferior to a showroom car in many ways, which is why I want a new one.
And not to wait and not to save up for years, to please my family already now, I decided to take money for my dream in the bank and pay the cost of this luxury.
Urban crossover is ideal for a large family with children for trips to the dacha, lake, traveling.
On characteristics also want a sharp horse.
I hope the bank will help to make my family’s dream come true!!!

We need to 5 000 $

Hello! I accidentally saw your ad on the Internet about help in money. Perhaps I am naive, but maybe you can really help. I’m knocking on every door I can. The thing is, my favourite kitty urgently needs an operation, and to find funds at the moment, I do not know where. I live alone, I pay the loan, my salary is barely enough for food….. My kitty is 13 years old, I value her very much, I can’t sit and watch how she will suffer if she is not operated urgently. She has pyometra (if you have cats, maybe you know about this dangerous disease that can kill a pet. Pus builds up in the uterine cavity.) As the cat is old, the veterinary clinic recommended a gentle gas anaesthetic. The whole operation is estimated to be around 20 thousand together with drips. I do not have such money, and I just cry from hopelessness, and do not know where to turn for help. Please help me, please, for God’s sake please! This kitty is my life for me! If you need, I will send all the documents (examinations and conclusion in veterinary clinics, my phone number). Thank you very much. Card number 4276 8402 4423 9636

We need to 30 000 $

I have a DREAM. There used to be plans, worries, work, etc. But at one moment everything changed and it became clear that life is not as long as I would like it to be. And before, there were situations when it became clear how fragile and fleeting human life is – a traffic accident, a fire, but when after the examination you learn the diagnosis – you instantly rethink your whole life. What can be done for treatment and recovery, it is clear and depends not on you, but on the qualification of doctors. But recovery unfortunately depends 80% on your financial situation. I thought about it for five minutes and started to act, I sold everything I had and pawned it. I scraped together the necessary amount of money and went through the necessary course of treatment. Yes, there is still treatment to be done before complete victory, but there is time for that…..
During my long treatment and recovery, which I mostly went out of town alone, different things started to happen to me. I suddenly started having cats come to visit me. Not stray dogs, which were also in large numbers in the gardening area, and which I loved and fed all the time. My poodle Frank lived with me for more than 18 years, and I miss him still. Yes it was cats of all colours and sizes and I could not refuse them help and food. Well in food I could not refuse anyone at all, but the fact that I will start to take an active part in the treatment and rescue of them, I did not expect from myself. Some of them had to be taken to the veterinary clinic for injections, some of them had to be cleaned from fuel oil and clay, some of them had to be dripped in the nose and ears, combed and trimmed, there were enough problems. They began to take up most of my time. Then I started to notice that kitties who needed help came to me and after receiving it, being treated and recovered, they left. But everyone, absolutely everyone was saying goodbye to me. When I realised that it was a ritual of goodbye, I cried all night, but then I decided to take my leave. And that’s how it is until now, for almost 9 years, kittens come and go to me. They never became tame, allowed only to help themselves, caressed and went on hands only once, at the moment of goodbye.
There are exceptions to all the rules. For the last three years I have had 3-4 kitties living with me on a regular basis. Each of them has their own stories, and I am glad that they took root with me. Now they are all practically healthy and awake, but need good care (one beauty was scalded with boiling water and the hair is recovering slowly, another dog chewed off part of the tail and half of the hind leg, etc.). In short, my house has become a mini sanatorium for kitty rehabilitation.
Because of the illness – I lost my job, I couldn’t get a new one. And then there’s the pandemic, the self-imposed isolation. I couldn’t make my mortgage payments. The debt started to grow, the result – I and my kittens could be left on the street, and the dream of a mini sanatorium for underprivileged animals would have to be forgotten. I could write a lot about how children come to visit us and play or take care of kittens, a lot of things can be written, how kittens have become healers, but urgently need your help to keep the house, it is necessary to buy out this mortgage. And we are ready to withstand illness, adversity, guests and helpers longer.
A dream, so simple and accessible, if there is a friend’s shoulder, near and in time!
5432 1100 0199 2878 Mastercard
It hurts the heart to see animals suffering,
It hurts my heart to watch hungry animals,
You can’t get food and warmth without people, neither in the city nor in the countryside,
This is the life we’ve made for them, give them a helping hand. Help them.
We must be responsible for those we’ve tamed,
A puppy, a kitten, a puppy, a kitten, a puppy, a kitten, a kitten, a puppy, a kitten,
You can’t explain to them why they were lost and forgotten,
We can’t make fun of those who can’t answer us.”

We need to 70 000 $

Hello, my name is Michael! I am 17 years old, studying to be an actor, decided to put the play and already put … But not enough for this backstage so say stage clothes for the stage and 9 head microphones I ordered all already material, I calculated everything and said the total amount of all the equipment backstage and microphones takes thousands of dollars The play I put commercial and hope this amount will pay off Very happy if you help me!

We need to 1 000 $

Hello, my name is Julia and because of financial problems, I was looking for a job through the Internet, I ran into fraudsters and was left in the dolah and without money had to still get into the loan, help to pay off debts .For early you will be grateful to you God grant you health and all earthly blessings .My requisites sber bank 4276160913259561.

We need to 25 000 $

Hello, I am asking you to give me money to get out of debt! I took loans when everything was normal with work and personal finances, but then I got sick and could not work and pay, and the interest was growing and is growing now with great speed! I have a cyst on my pancreas, hepatitis C, and have also had type 1 diabetes for 2 years now! I don’t get a pension, and I can’t find a job because I’m insulin-dependent! I live with my old grandmother, barely, barely enough for food, and medicines are very expensive and plus more loans! To get out of this situation I at least need to pay off loans and other debts, it’s about 300000 dollars! I ask everyone who can help as much as possible! 5536 9138 3525 0024 is the card number, thank you in advance!!!!!

We need to 60 000 $

Hello, I have a child of 10 years old, I am raising him alone and I am just afraid that if I am not there, he will not be able to cope. I have a lot of problems and diseases, the main one of them is 1 group of disability. To live at least as something I try to work pennies, but they are constantly lacking because of loans, and without loans to live would be no place. I’m desperate. Every day since 9 years old my child gives me 1,2 and sometimes 3 shots, because the ambulance just does not have time. Help for God’s sake … It’s very hard for me!

We need to 40 000 $

Hello. I have a very difficult situation like everyone else here. The thing is that my grandmother left me inherited an apartment that is pledged by the bank on learned I learned about it not long ago, and to repay the loan I just do not have anything, my salary is made up of salary in and bonuses in the work in the institute and you can imagine what conditions there. If I can not pay the loan for more than 2 months, I can stay on the street. Please help me. Anything. I’ll be happy with any kopeck.

We need to 10 000 $

I dream to be free.. Please help me, please! Life has turned to me dark side, but I’m trying to find the light side. I need 180000 dollars 2021 was not a good year, or rather a bad year. Trouble after trouble overtook me: the loss of a job, a severe knee injury, emotional abuse, the illness of a dog, the death of a cat and many other things. All this led to terrible morale and a lot of debt. Now I recovered morally, found a new job, but to get out of debt at the moment does not work. I want to pay off all debts and “breathe in a full chest”, I want to go to my goal and LIVE, not exist. Thank you very much in advance! Life is a boomerang, all good things will come back to you! Card: 4276400047067278

We need to 9 000 $

Hello! I live in Washington, I am a student and working at the same time. I am in a bad situation losing money on bets, which I took in different MFIs (I will show you the screens if necessary), now I really need help. I have elderly parents and I do not want them to know. I know that I am guilty of everything myself, but maybe there are kind people who can help. Ready to write a receipt and return everything. Help me, please. The question is urgent. My card 4276380148365690

We need to 8 000 $

Hello, I have to ask for help from strangers, I got into MFI loans and do not know how I will pay. Here I hope to get help to start from scratch and avoid past mistakes. Why help those people who are doomed to die, would it not be more productive to give a second chance to people like me Thank you for your attention I hope for your help.

We need to 50 000 $

a mother of three children with many children … is asking for help financially for the furnishing and erection of memorials to her two children …. tragically died at a young age …I myself with three children live in rented housing … the salary is small money is categorically not enough…. please help …we will be very grateful…..

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